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study [2021/04/13 07:20]
gsjung [읽을 거리]
study [2021/04/14 01:09]
줄 5: 줄 5:
   - [[block-o-matic|Block-o-matic: A web page segmentation framework]]    - [[block-o-matic|Block-o-matic: A web page segmentation framework]] 
   - [[boilernet|Boilerplate Removal using a Neural Sequence Labeling Model]]   - [[boilernet|Boilerplate Removal using a Neural Sequence Labeling Model]]
 +  - [[web2text|Web2text: Deep structured boilerplate removal]]
 +==== Geolocation, Urban Computing ====
 +  * [[http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?mallGb=KOR&ejkGb=KOR&barcode=9788987691022|지도와 거짓말]]
 +  * [[http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=9791155428658&orderClick=LAG&Kc=|도시는 왜 불평등한가]]
 +  * [[공간인접성]]
 +  * [[trajectory-data-mining|Trajectory Data Mining References]]
 +  * 서울 지하철 위치정보 데이터 [[https://gist.github.com/hanbyul-here/c1ecc399372220bff0642f696f383cf9?short_path=51b0a7b|GitHub]]
 +==== 인공지능, 머신러닝 ====
 +  * [[https://machinelearningmastery.com/introduction-to-tensors-for-machine-learning/|A Gentle Introduction to Tensors for Machine Learning with NumPy]]
 +  * [[https://darkpgmr.tistory.com/m/110|[선형대수학 #6] 주성분분석(PCA)의 이해와 활용]]
 ==== 연구 보조 ==== ==== 연구 보조 ====
줄 10: 줄 22:
   * 딥러닝 학습 자료 모음: [[https://bbongcol.github.io/deep-learning-bookmarks/]]   * 딥러닝 학습 자료 모음: [[https://bbongcol.github.io/deep-learning-bookmarks/]]
 ==== 개발 팁 ==== ==== 개발 팁 ====
 +=== Database, postgres ===
 +  * [[postgres-tips|Postgres 팁]]
 +    * Postgres 시퀀스 리셋하기
 === Web, Javascript, Typescript === === Web, Javascript, Typescript ===
   * [[promise-prac|Promise practice]]   * [[promise-prac|Promise practice]]
 +  * [[https://frontierdev.tistory.com/m/33|Event Delegation 패턴]]
 +  * [[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/advanced-typescript-types-with-examples-1d144e4eda9e|Advanced TypeScript Types with Examples - Level Up Your Code]]
 +  * [[https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/arawnkr/ss-94475606|이벤트 기반 분산 시스템을 향한 여정]]
 +  * html 에 dynamic string 넣기 (템플리팅)
 +    * [[https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel/issues/2362|Parcel]]
 +    * [[https://webpack.js.org/plugins/html-webpack-plugin/|Webpack]]
 +  * [[https://basketdeveloper.tistory.com/m/66|Docker and flask]]
 +=== Java, Kotlin, Android ===
 +  * [[https://www.slideshare.net/ggilmour/full-stack-kotlin-workshop-at-kotlinconf|Fullstack with Kotlin]]
 +  * [[https://reladev.org/ktor-and-docker/|Ktor and docker]]
 +  * [[https://reasley.com/?p=3565|안드로이드 ADB 에러 참고자료]]
 +=== Edge device, Raspberry pi, etc. ===
 +  * [[intel-computing-stick|Intel Neural Computing Stick and Docker]]
 +  * [[docker-buildx|x86 PC 에서 ARM 이미지 만들기]]
 +==== 관리, 도구 ====
 +=== NAS, 저장소 ===
 +  * [[https://www.marksei.com/how-to-install-nextcloud-16-server-on-centos-7/|Nextcloud install]] - 가급적 도커를 쓰세요.
 ==== 읽을 거리 ==== ==== 읽을 거리 ====
   * [[https://dgkim5360.tistory.com/entry/understanding-long-short-term-memory-lstm-kr|LSTM]]   * [[https://dgkim5360.tistory.com/entry/understanding-long-short-term-memory-lstm-kr|LSTM]]
 +  * [[http://jybaek.tistory.com/m/627|Gmail 기능]]
study.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2022/08/29 05:50 저자 justbaik